So... last week on bank holiday monday i woke up easy ish about 9.52am to be precise, legged it downstrairs and just sneaked into the $30 f/o on stars. I managed to get a third in this for $1500 which i was a little disappointed about. After coming 9th in a $650 wsop satt with 6 places two days proir i was up for some compensation, but that was to come later on.
I quicky jumped in the shower and met some mates for a carvery and couple of beers, got back home about 5 ish an had a kip on the settee intent on being prepred for the busy mtt night ahead.
When i awoke about 8:00pm for the $50 50k i realised that Action Jack had put me onto the £.50/£1 ;evel on the trader sceme. (so far that is going well) the tournamnets i played until about 11:00pm alas, were to bing no joy.
I was still in the $50 3k chips at 11:00 when ZZZZZZrope, PaymyLoans11, Gio pinged me on msn asking if i was playing the $162 100k at 2:00am i said it was a bit late for me but im gona play the $100 3k chips in 15 mins, he said hed play and we struck a 10% saver.
about 7 hours later i found myself out in 2nd after 3 of us were involved in a hand.
me 285k
CL 900k
ss 50k
as u can imagine, the ss was on my right so i didnt want to raise incase he passed an the bb put me in with blinds at 20/40k ss didnt have much time.
I flat called a lot on the button incase Ss pushed so we could both call and spitroast ;-)
so i had AK with the chips above on the button so flat called the 40k SS flat called and CL saw a flop of A23 with two spades pretty good!
the shorty pushed and the CL reraised i decided to push and pray the SS didnt win the pot and the CL the sidepot. SS had T5os and the CL had 28spades and hit his spade on the turn.
I never got a chance to play heads up but the $7,100 1st prize was much needed, and ZZZZzrope was happy to be shipped his 10%.
with that roll i had to pay a few peeps off and thought id pay my visa off so not much in roll now, but im level again and got a few $ in stars and touny tickets and T$ so chances to build again.
Ive won seats today for the warm up, stars mill, and sunday 2nd chance so chances of a big score in these.
I reckon im gonna knuckel down on the trader scheme as, even at 50p/£1 £700+ a week is easily attainable, and im gonna give it my best shot.
On friday im doing to lake como for my mates wedding for 4 days should be a brilliant trip really looking forward to it. Rumours are we may see a certain mr weller there as well, we'll have to see.
Gl all tonight, thanks for all the congrats messages they are appreciated.
Oh and the job said the company no longer wished to take on new staff. grrrr dont know what ill do hehe.