Sunday, April 30, 2006

Vulgaria trip

Trip to Bulgaria days 1, 2, 3

So I me and the old man set off from Sheffield at 12.30pm on Tuesday afternoon on what turned out to be a very long and arduous drive to Bulgaria.
We drove down to dover for about 6.30 and had a lovely meal in the Blakes restaurant, watched the arsenal game, had a few beers and got on the ferry for the 12;00am take off to france.
The plan was to drive straight after we got off the ferry at 3:00am but being the pair of lazy bastards we are, we decided to find a hotel and get a good nights kip.
The French bloke first of all put us into a room which still had someones suitcase wide open and all there toiletries in. He said “autres chambre” errrrr yes please mate!
He then put us in a disabled room in which it was essential to sit down to have a shower, after slipping on my arse and having a quick wash it was time to drive through france, Belgium, Holland Germany and arrive in Austria. We were gonna carry on driving at 9:30pm but decided with it pissing it down, to find a nice little motel (which we did in a town called reid ) and a few beers, bit of snap and a good sleep. The restaurant was very nice and after a spaggetti bolognase, 2 glasses of beer, 2 glasses of dry white, and a stomach turning shot of the Austrian local drink, I was very tired.
I has the idea of staying in bed until about 11:00am, but my (on this trip thus fas) busy-body father decided 7:00am was a suitable wake up time , grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr’ing and ffs’ing for the next half an hour I got showered dressed and wandered downstairs to see what breakfast was up for grabs!
What I found was a cold buffet which included, stale cold toast, dodgy looking veg, even dodgier looking jam, and a few mouldy apples, no thanks.
We then began our near 24-hour drive from Austria to Bulgaria.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Off to Bulgaria ( back in 4 weeks )

taking laptop so ill try to get a connection over there and ill try play a few comps in the sofia casino's,
see ya soon

Friday, April 21, 2006

AbOuT BLoOdY tiMe

won the $100 f/0 on blue square last night and got a 2nd in the 5k f/0 for $1500 and $1100 respectively

was really unlucky in the latter comp, where i limped in Hu with A7 diamonds and hit top pair on a flop of AQK my opponent chiveschive (who i was pissing off by calling clive) made a massive bet which i quicky raised all in, he couldnt lay his K7 down for some reason and the K arrived on the turn.

I hope this continues as these last 4 weeks have been an absolute nightmare, dunno whats going wrong, but i wanna make it alright. today should go well fingers crossed

Monday, April 03, 2006

My Arse is pretty sore!

getting absolutely bummed at poker in the morning, and getting slightly pissed off with it.
$3500 tourney today get my money in with AA v AK for a 16k pot
the board read A3QJ....T that was nice... then on the $5000 re-buy short stacked with 9k in chips a guy maks it 1600 to go with blinds 400/800, me being in position on the button decide to call to see the flop, which comes 5T5 quite a nice flop, he bets 1600 again and i push for about 6.5k more. the guy calls and flips over......
AA? KK? QQ? AT? nope A7 and proceeds to catch his (2outer as it turns out) on the turn. the tournment i am curently in ive decided just to push all in with every premium hand, because in these tourneys you WILL get called... we'll see how tis tactic works