Sunday, August 26, 2007

Weighed In


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Since newcastle ive had a few touches online. The first being a win in the $10rb on stars for $5.3k. Won two comps on BSQ for about $4k total and got a 2nd in a comp last night for $1.6k.

Went to luton for the festival and had a good week on cash to pay for my week, however the tourneys didnt go according to plan after a good start.

I came into the final of the £100 f/o on the saturday 2nd in chips but the crapshoot structure found me out when i had to lay down AK early when jeff rodgers 3 bet me preflop he showed AA.

The £200 with 1 rb or Ao went well for a long time but after a few of my raises got snapped off i pushed blind with T4 and flushy (my 10%) called with AA after a bit of chat to induce a push behind lol.

The main event was a non event for me after massing bottom set on a K42 rainbow in level one. i never recovered and went out after i pushed the turn with 20 outs and was called by TpTk and i didnt hit.

Still in the process of joining badbeat traders, think this could be a good move for me long-term as i feel my cash is improving big-time and i will look to be moving up stakes very soon.

Oh and i won a seat last tuesday for the grosvenor grand prix in a funny way.
playing 3 handed with 2 seats up for grabs and im shortstack on about 10k with the others on 13-15k, when all of a sudden the CL disconects. I cheekily ask the other guy if he wants to play on or "nick" he says nick, so we proceed to briskly take his chips and gaurantee us both a seat.

Imo there is nothing morally wrong with this, because poker is all about edges and they don't come much bigger than when an opponent D/c's.

Dunno where my next live venture will be. Plymouth Gukpt is a bit far for me to travel so i may venture down to the broadway, although for the moment im quite happy to play online.