Monday, June 19, 2006


consumed a lot of alcohol this weekend, saturday saw the engagement party for friends rooney and H. I had a very enjoyable time mixing with "all walks of life" and grabbing the mic @ the end of the night for a bit of accepello (sp) mcfly singing!!!

On sunday i finished my novice poker class at the local pub to return in time for the $1m garanteed on partypoker. Managed to come 470th out of 4,089 for a profit of $300.

After this i played in a regular $109 comp and played very very well.

Got shafted well and truly by a guy who i re-raised all in with AA and he called with A9 of clubs and backdoored his flush in a 140k pot, the same guy a few hands later won our flip with his AK vs QQ so i ended up final table-bubbling which pissed me off but by then it was nearly 7:00am so i was cream-crackered.

ciao 4 now


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